Sunday, August 7, 2011

Living In a Material World ...

Hello everyone (or no one) ... I am the Divine Mrs. M and I just celebrated my 40th birthday partying with a variety of family, childhood friends and my grown-up BFFs.  My theme was a "Party Like a Rock Star" costume party wherein the Divine Mrs M portrayed Madonna from her Material Girl video.  I was rocking the pink dress, long pink gloves, sparkling jewels ... and a really fat ass.  *sigh* 

Now, I didn't wake up on my 40th birthday with an epiphany that I was fat.  I am quite aware of the fact that I am carrying a lot more baggage around than I did 20 years ago.  The thing is ... when you're in the process of becoming fat ... it's easy to deny, ignore, eat, deny, ignore and eat some more.  I remember Matt Lauer interviewing Kirstie Alley on the Today show once upon a time when she was promoting one of her numerous efforts to lose weight.  His question (or something to this effect) ... "How did you not notice you were getting fat?"  Hmmmmm.....spoken like someone who has never had a weight problem.  (On a side note, I've never really cared for Matt Lauer since this interview aired ... it was his tone.  I took it personally.)

The truth is ... if you are fat you know you are fat.  You don't feel good about being fat.  You lie to yourself and say that you aren't fat ... you say things like "big boned," "curvy," "horizontally challenged" and all the other lies big girls like myself tell ourselves to help us make it through the day.  You tell yourself that you are "healthy" even though you are well past your "sell by" date (BMI) on the scale.  You look at yourself in the mirror only from the neck up and are honestly shocked when you see a picture of yourself that shows the "curves" that even the best Spanx cannot hide. 

If you're like me, you spend an obscene amount of money on designer handbags because they always "fit" and aren't depressing to try on.  You also spend an obscene amount of money at what I refer to as "The Big Girl Store" (aka the plus size clothing store) to try and hide your flaws and still look as fabulous as you felt when you were a size ZERO ... because, believe it or not, I really was once a size ZERO!!!!!!  WTF????  I was one of the skinniest girls in my high school and my goal by the time I reached graduation was to weigh 100 pounds.  You know what?  I didn't accomplish my goal!  I ate and ate and ate and ate and I could NOT hit 100 pounds.  Youth really is wasted on the young. 

So, back to my fabulous 40 self.  I truly do enjoy my life ... I have a lovely husband, two lovely teenagers, one of those great dysfunctional modern families and the kind of friends that you cannot imagine living a day without.  The ONLY thing in my life that I'm not happy with on a daily basis is the roll of fat that hangs over the C-section scar, the bottom that sags and enters a room a full 30-45 seconds after I do and the jiggly thighs, arms, etc.  So, I'm on a quest to change this and I'm hoping you will join me on this journey.  I'm going to look deep within this formerly thin person and figure out what the Hell happened and how to turn this situation around.  Somehow I think it will be more of an internal journey that transpires itself into an outward change.

Will I be thin when this year is over?  Only God knows.  I'm gonna go the self-help group route and say "one day at a time."  Stay tuned and stay in touch ...

 © 2010-2011 Melanie L. Miller All Rights Reserved


  1. This is really good!!!! I'm going to message you an idea.

  2. I really liked what you wrote. I totally agree with the youth being wasted on the young. I know that I'm not heavy but not as thin as I was (hence size zero). I do realize that I eat more now then I did then. Why, is the question? Since as we get older we are to eat less not more.

    Why? Comfort, habit (good or bad), social events revolve around it versus when younger movement evolved around social events like playing volleyball or something, and munchies when watching TV to name a few. Alcohol slows down the metabolism and back then I didn't drink alcohol at all.

    So hats off to you and your honesty. Keep writing and I'll keep reading. Now we are both 40 :) (I turned in August)

    Sheryl ;)

  3. Happy Belated Birthday Sheryl ... here's to hoping 40 is fabulous!

  4. I'm so proud of you. It's been a battle I've fought for so long. Twice I've lost a pretty significant amount. Once I lost 75 lbs and the second time 80 lbs, but I never reached what I thought should have been my goal or where I thought I would be happy. It's so freakin' hard. I've made so many excuses - tough marriage, pregnancy, divorce, job, life, single motherhood, job, life - take your pick.

    I knew you more in your younger years when you were that tiny little thing, but I could care less. You've got the BIGGEST heart and you still make me laugh and that's all that matters. Whatever you want to do I will support you 100% and if opening your heart and writing about it works - GO FOT IT!!! I will follow you.


  5. I love the blog and can so relate to a lot of what you wrote. I am so proud of you for taking this journey. I know this journey isn't easy and it takes a lot of hard work but I know you can do it. As you know I started my journey (which I refer to as crawling out of my dark hole) ten weeks ago. I have lost 25 pounds and I am running again and working out and I feel great. I am here for you and will support you in anyway I can. I know you will do this the divine mrs m!


  6. "Youth really is wasted on the young."

    I totally agree!

    Keep it up Mel! :)
