Monday, December 6, 2010

Knee Deep in ....


Yep.  It's snowing and snowing and snowing and snowing ...

I spent my morning knee deep in snow, shoveling a path to my car, started the car to warm it up while I brushed it off only to find I had NO snow brush.  So, I used the sleeve of my winter coat and gloved hands to clear off the 2 feet of snow piled up on my car.  Got in the car, soaking wet and freezing cold ... drove to work ... shoveled the 2 feet of snow off the sidewalk, salted it and came inside to warm up and realized that I had forgotten my coffee .... Not the greatest morning in the history of my life, but it is what it is and I'm okay with that. 

Now for the good stuff ... no pithy dialog on the agenda today ... just an update on my progress as today marks my ONE WEEK point and it was time to face the dreaded scale. 


Not kidding ... 5 pounds on the nose.  I'm very excited!!!  Over the course of 17 years I have tried every diet you can think of ... Weight Watchers, Atkins, South Beach, etc ... Never have I lost 5 pounds in one week.  NEVER.  So today is a good day ... despite the snow, despite the wind and despite the fact that I have no snow brush and little elves don't show up in the middle of the night to shovel my walk, clear my car and make me coffee.  Today is a good day because I made up my mind to change my life and have started off with a bang. 

I'm going to take time to celebrate this moment.  I just need to learn how to celebrate without the ice cream and cake ...

 © 2010-2011 Melanie L. Miller All Rights Reserved

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